General Hux - Reply

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Questions from SupremeLeaderRen:

For My sexy general, hehe.

Hux: *a bit flustered* Well, thank you. Although the name you go by makes it a little...awkward.

1. Personally, General, I think you would be the much better pick for supreme leader.*smirks, leans in and puts my forehead against his*Since you may need some background help, you may need someone to rule with you over this pathetic galaxy and destroy our enemies. Waddya say, love?*winking*

Hux: *eyes widen slightly at you being so close, pink tinting his cheeks* I um, well...I don't disagree on the fact I'm better for the Supreme Leader position. I'm not exactly sure how much help I'll need...

2. What would your goals Be If you became supreme leader, dear? Also what would you do with Kylo??

Hux: My goal is to put order back in this reckless galaxy. And Kylo would be disposed of properly. *smirks*

3. Maybe you would have some time to personally show/train me on all that you do?? I have never admired or respected anyone as much as I do you with your work ethic.

Hux: You're truly quite flattering. I am very busy now but if you promise not to disturb me while I work, you can follow along.

4. And this is me telling you not to overwork yourself. I don’t want you overexerting yourself, take care darling

Hux: *blushes* Darling? Oh~


Great questions SupremeLeaderRen! And you got Hux all flustered lol

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