General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux!

“Of course! I’d love to see more of the ship!” *My mother said with a happy tone, wrapping her arm around my father’s*

Hux: Wonderful. Follow us please.

*I smiled, walking with Hux as I led my parents around the ship, holding Hux’s hand with a big smile*

Hux: *kept smiling over at you, feeling proud to be showing off both of your accomplishments with you by his side*

“How long have you two been dating? A year now?” *My mother asked curiously, looking at both me and Hux*

Hux: Hm, it has been a while. What do you think, love?

Yes, i believe it would be a year soon. Hux is an amazing man, he makes me happy and spoils me anyway possible. When I’m having a hard day, he always Smothers me in kisses and holds me, telling me funny jokes to make me feel better. *I kissed Hux’s cheek, giggling*

Hux: *blushes a little*

*My mother awed* “That’s so sweet of him, he seems very caring and compassionate”

Hux: Don't take me as too much of a softy now. Your daughter is the only person who gets to see that side. This job requires much less caring and more brutality.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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