General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: There’s been a few nights you’ve jolted out of sleep, other nights are nightmares I have to wake you from and comfort you. None of which bother me, as long as you get better sleep I’m happy.

Hux: Yes, my brain is a blessing and a curse. It's far too overactive and I don't sleep well. I usually end up with strange or frightening dreams...and I can't disagree with the fact I enjoy your comforting. It's the only thing that helps me.

2: It isn’t making you weak, you still work rather hard as you always have. You aren’t naive to it either, it just...happens when you find the right one for you.

Hux: Perhaps... *considers your words, processing it deeper* I suppose you're right.

3: *Blushes, giggling with a big smile* Thank you so much love.

Hux: *smiles* Seeing that smile has made my day a little bit brighter.

4: *I raise a eyebrow curiously* What is it? Is it the same way your father passed? Remember, Kylo is force sensitive, you gotta work with that in mind.

Hux: Oh, I don't have anymore Parnossos beetles unfortunately. Like I said, I don't have any ideas yet where I won't be held accountable. Still figuring that one out...

7: I could go on about everything my parents taught me, it’s a long list. They taught me valuable things and lessons in life, I thank them for that. You have succeeded, and become more than your father ever thought you could. I’m proud of you.

Hux: *smiles proudly* Thank you. I always knew I'd become better than my father, but your words flatter me to show I'm doing my job properly here.

8: Awe, Thank you my love. You’re truly amazing.

Hux: You're amazing, love. *winks*

9: *I blushed brightly, staring at him in awe. I smiled brightly, tears filling in my eyes then running down my face. I kissed his lips lovingly, pulling away as I stared back into his eyes* I love you too Hux, I’m so happy.

Hux: *holds you close, gingerly rubbing your back* Don't cry. Stay happy. *kisses your cheek, blushing* I'm feeling overly affectionate right now. I hope I'm not too mushy...


Great replies MinxCoda

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