Captain Phasma - Reply

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Questions from darthfalence:

more questions for phasma

1( how the heck did finn get in the first order

Phasma: He was enlisted as a child, just like many of the other troopers here. Worked his way up from a cadet. Thought he was going to be a great loyalist to the First Order. I've never been more wrong.

2( if you had to choose between being force sensitive or being trained in lightsaber combat by the best duelist ever wich would you choose

Phasma: Lightsaber combat. Weapons are more powerful to me than the Force.

3( choose one person to kill (excluding me)

Phasma: I still would've chosen Hux first over you.

4( -shows her the last jedi scene where hux tells kylo and the other fighters to pull back- is hux always this incompetent (my logic the front of the cruiser is completely unshielded the fighters could tear it inside out)

Phasma: In his defense, he was trying to keep his own TIE fighters from being destroyed. The closer they are to the command ship, the more coverage they received. Nevertheless, I do disagree on other choices he has made during his time of leadership.

5( favorite starfighter?

Phasma: First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter.

6( -shows her the scene where kylo basically lets the whole rebellion loose- what would you do in this situation-

A.N. (not sure what scene you're referring to, sorry!)

7( -shows her the seen where she falls down the ship- what do you think your chances of surviving this is?

Phasma: Well...I'm here so...pretty good.

8( would you rather the first order be led palpatine and vader or snoke and kylo

Phasma: How *smirks*

9( why isn't the first order called the empire? its not like the last empire was the first one and your equipment is nearly the same

Phasma: Because we aren't the Empire. We're everything they couldn't be and so much more.

10( if the yuzzhang vong offered to join you to destroy the rebels what would you do?

Phasma: I don't even know who that is.

11( why don't the tie fighters have shields I mean its a huge! disadvantage I mean if a x-wing got hit by stray fire it would be fine but if a tie fighter got hit that pilots dead or you could die b hitting floating debry

Phasma: Our fighters are built to be the cheapest and lightest things for flight. Adding shields would be much more expensive and would slow the fighters down. It's a give and take scenario.

12( if tie fighters are elite why do they basically fly cannon fodder

Phasma: I blame the pilots.

13( worse thing the rebellion/rebels/republic have done?

Phasma: Exist.

14( worse thing the first order has done?

Phasma: We haven't done anything wrong.

15( if the first order was turned into the sith empire what would you do?

Phasma: I seriously doubt that would happen. The Sith are long gone.

16( if you had to get a lightsaber what type would you get

Phasma: I always admired the duel bladed style.

17( if you caught rey what would you do with her

Phasma: Shoot her on sight.

18( if your wondering how I know so much stuff about you id suggest that you should have blown up your homeplanet, you left some people behind

Phasma: Oh, then that's something I'll have to deal with soon...

19( see yah going off to brutally torture some rebel scum and possibly try to kill rey who knows -hops in tie defender and leaves-

Phasma: Good luck with that.


Great questions darthfalence!

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