Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!: 

2: *Laughs* Probably, or just focusing on my work. 

Hux: Speaking of work, will you help me prepare a speech for later? It's about time for me to remind the galaxy of our amazing progress.

3: *Shakes my head giggling* There arent any secrets, my parents run a secret military base that caters to the First Order. They’ve been wanting to meet you and Kylo, mainly you but.. *I flip the dagger and catch it, handing it to him* I don’t know if that’s a good idea...

Hux: Your parents want to meet me? *looked suddenly nervous*

4: Hux, the most powerful general I know, could have betrayed and killed me the day he found out I was force sensitive, he could have made it look like a suicide if he wanted along with these women behind me. Hux knows I am no threat to him, you, or the First Order. These women, *I gesture to the women behind me* I’ve shown them my past, what I’ve gone through, my entire life. They know I keep my word. *I stare at Kylo* And my word? My word, as I have kept since my childhood, is I will NEVER open myself up more to the force again, no matter how much torture, questioning or pressure i could be put through, I will keep to my word.

Kylo: So then I ask why bring them before me? What are you hoping to achieve? *sits back against his throne* If you're expecting me to welcome these unknown women with open arms, you're wrong. And you... *turns to Hux* Since you seemed to have a part of whatever this is, I will deal with you later. Privately.

Hux: *hid any sign of reaction but was clearly described by the fact he was going to be alone in a room with a angry Kylo Ren*


Great replies MinxCoda!

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