General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!:

We could, if he was an easier target but there are ways to distract him.

Hux: I can arrange that. Don't tempt me because I will do it.

I don’t want you to go through the emotional and mental trauma I went through when all that happened to me. It’s already hard enough to show people what it’s like.

Hux: I appreciate that, love. I still am sorry for you though. 

Possibly, I know I haven’t trained in years but I still could try. What exactly have you seen Kylo do though?

Hux: Well...he can read minds. Inflict pain. Choke people. *shudders* Um...move or throw things. That's pretty much it. He doesn't show too much in front of me. He probably doesn't want me to know his true potential.

*She tried her best to sleep, but her imagination ran wild in her sleep causing nightmares she wished she wouldn’t have. By morning, she woke up still tired from the nights rest but she got up and got dressed in a slimmer but comfortable dark brown dress. She walked to Hux’s side of the bed, nudging him gently* Hux, it’s time to wake up my love. We must get ready

Hux: *rolled over, groaning* Morning already? I barely slept. *reluctantly gets up and does his quick morning routine, makes himself a cup of coffee to help* Okay, now I'm ready. Not sure for what, but I'm ready.


I'm quite curious to see how you will lead this story MinxCoda

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