First Order - Reply

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Questions from darthfalence:

questions for the first order

1(where do you want these guys -points at grievous and starkiller-

Kylo: *a little confused* Put them anywhere, I guess.

Hux: Is that really...another Starkiller? *he almost whispered it in disbelief*

Phasma: Put Grievous on the ship, opposite end from mine.

2( -holds out holocron- hey kylo want this

Kylo: *looks at it curiously* Where did you get that?

3( WELL YOU CANT HAVE IT! -gives to Phasma- here take this

Phasma: *catches it with ease* Ooh, I get one of these...things.

4( -grabs nightsister bow and points at kylo- TRAITOR! CAN SOMEONE ARREST THIS DUDE YET?!

Hux: I'm trying. Believe me, I'm trying.

Kylo: Shut up Hux. *turns to you* The only traitor here is you. Put down your weapon.


Great questions darthfalence!

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