General Hux - Reply

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From LokiDrStrange:

For my general Hux.

I’m sitting on our bed reading a book about all the different galaxies, when hux slams our bedroom door open.
He looks very stressed and in pain, his face also still a shade of red.
I immediately get up and walk over to him, putting both my hands on the side of his face. I then ask,” Hux, sweetie, what happened? Did Kylo do something?”

Hux: Just the usual. Since he is the Supreme Leader now, he barely wants any of my input. He listens only to shoot me down. So rude.
*i frowned and immediately got angry. “He can’t just do that! He is a grown man and the commander of the first order!” I paced around the room, my voice quavering and my body visibly shaking.

Hux: Take an easy. I'm used to him treating me this way.

I melted into his hug and sighed. “I know, and I’m sorry. I just hate that he can get away with doing whatever he wants to people. I’m just really worried about you getting seriously hurt one of these days.” I said looking deep into his beautiful eyes, getting lost in them for a moment while he replied.

Hux: I'm not afraid of him, nor is he truly stupid enough to actually get rid of me. He never admits it but he does need my advice. As much as he turns me away, he does do I his own way so he can claim responsibility for it and take all the praise.

I smiled and put one hand around his neck and the other on his cheek. Our foreheads together, as he............

Hux: *blushes* My, aren't we close...


I'm so sorry again for the late reply LokiDrStrange!

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