General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: *I worked on his paper work along with whatever work he had at his computer. I sent a droid to give Hux food for when he awoke from his nap, hoping he’d eat after waking up. A few hours passed, I hadn’t noticed since I’d been busy working. I stood up from Hux’s desk, fixing it to make it look nice then stretched as I yawned. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, I immediately turned my head to the person, almost ready to attack then noticing it was Hux. I sighed with relief then kissed his cheek gently* You scared me, I though you were someone else trying to attack me. My apologies, did you sleep well though?

Hux: My apologies for scaring you. I was going for surprise but I should have known that could spark different reactions. I do feel a little better from my nap. It's just hsrd to sleep without holding you... Although Mille was an excellent substitute.

2: *I laughed as I laid on the floor, I admit I left myself open and I made myself laugh at that. I took Hux by the hand, allowing him to pull me up. I kissed him quickly then walked away, turning to him* Thanks love, also, one thing though. *I gave him that devilish smirk he loved so much, swirling the lightwhip and catching him by both his legs, bringing him down on his back. I chuckled, walked up to him putting my hand out to him* Just a Little payback. Hopefully that didn’t hurt, the lightwhip is on low volume.

Hux: *eyes widen as you take advantage and he falls, but end sup smirking from the ground* Impressive, love. And no, it didn't hurt. *takes your hand and stands* I must say, that was one of the hottest things I've seen you do. If you keep it up, we won't be training much longer. *winks*


Great replies MinxCoda!

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