First Order - Reply

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From darthfalence:

replies to first order

1: -shows them black clone commandos with rifles- here are my elites, they also have personal shielding which brings up the question, why does nobody in the first order have personal shielding, like supreme leader, or you kylo, then  you could beat up teenagers whove never held a lightsaber before, without worrying about chewie blasting you with a lightbow, or phasma, that would be a good investment

Hux: They do seem like a good investment.

Phasma: I agree. If we can reproduce the armor they wear, it would be beneficial.

Kylo: I can always beat people up. *swings his lightsaber around with a smirk*

2: you guys ever read lost stars?

Kylo, Hux, Phasma: *visible confusion* What is that?

3: I thought it would promote the empire so I bought it but it turned out to be a trap for imperial promoters, people in there would prefer to commit suicide then join the empire, idiots, rebel propaganda

Hux: We have special propaganda just to lure those fools in to join us instead.

4: im bored, got any assignments for me?

Phasma: Start trying to replicate the armor. And give us a cost and date of completion. Only our special squads will wear it at first.


Great replies darthfalence!

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