Kylo Ren - Reply

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Question from Laynna_Ren:

(Kylo) I wanted to ask Supreme Leader Kylo Ren few questions. 

1.) How are you? I hope you are good. :) 

Kylo: I'm doing very well, thank you.

2.) How do you like being the Supreme Leader? 

Kylo: It has its benefits and disadvantages. I mostly enjoy the fact I can boss Hux around.

3.) (not really a question) I'm sorry Hux is so annoying.

Kylo: He's annoying to everyone. You certainly don't need to apologize on his behalf.

Also I'm sorry Rey didn't join you. :( Although I don't see her on the Dark Side, I like y'all together. And Please don't kill me for saying that. I really like you and I would like to be your friend. (although I know you don't really do friends)

Kylo: She...had her own path, just like I have mine here. I won't kill you...this time. I suggest not bringing her back up to me then. And no, I don't have or need friends.

4.) I sorta already asked you, but do you want to be my friend? It's ok if you say no. I know you're really busy being the Supreme Leader and I wouldn't want to distract you from your work.

Kylo: You wouldn't distract me, but I don't think having a "friend" would portray me in any way but weak. I don't want my men to think I don't care about my work.

5.) (not question) I LOVE your Lightsaber!!! I wish I had one like it! And I love your Tie Silencer!! So Cool!!!!

Kylo: *smirked as he ignites it* Thank you. Want to get a closer look at it?

6.) Do you like dogs or have one? 

Kylo: No, and no.

7.) Do you like having the Force?

Kylo: Of course. It helps me to be able to do literally anything.

8.) When is your birthday? And would you ever consider visiting Earth? If so, please visit me. I'd love to meet you! :) 

Kylo: My birthday is none of your concern. I have visited Earth but it's not my preference. I could tell you where to come see me, but that would spoil the secret First Order base.

Thank you for listening to me talk. I'll shut up now so you can go back to being Supreme Leader. It was wonderful to talk to you and I hope you have an extremely fantastic day! Hope Hux doesn't bore you too much! *smiles and waves bye*
- xoxo Laynna Ren

Kylo: I hope Hux doesn't either- *eyes widen as he catches your name* Hey, how come we have matching last names? That's just...strange.


Great replies Laynna_Ren! Feel free to submit more questions whenever you wish to whoever you want!

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