General Hux - Reply

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Question from MoonDash21:

For...General Hux:

1. Hi...

Hux: Um...hello.

2. *clears throat* So, I'm Supreme Leader Ren's new advisor and thought I might go around and introduce myself to everyone. My name is Moon, a more formal name would be Advisor Moon, I suppose. How has your day been?

Hux: Kylo has a new advisor? *snickers* Interesting. I wonder how Summer is handling it.

Oh, my day suddenly got better... *imagining the jealousy*

3. Are you afraid of Kylo?

Hux: Pfft. No. He's some child with strange magic. Big deal. I can handle him. *pauses* I can.

4. Do you have an assistant or something? I'm sure if you had one you would actually get some sleep for once.

Hux: *nods* This is my advisor, MinxCoda. You and her are probably going to be working together often when Ren or I are unavailable.

5. Do you have glorious days or nights? Hmm?

Hux: My days are long and hard. My nights.. *lightly blushes and clears his throats* They're...interesting to say the least.


Great questions MoonDash21!

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