General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux!

*I sighed, rubbing the back of my head gently before I went back to work on the B.B. unit.

After finishing my work on the B.B. unit, I washed up and changed into my workout/training clothes then headed out to the younger troops I’d be training and get them ready for to show Phasma, Hux and Kylo their training.

Once I got there, practice started immediately. 13 young teenagers all who were excellent at their training, nervous and excited to show their progress. I was helping one child perfect their hand to hand combat, positioning their arms in the correct way so they wouldn’t harm themselves while throwing a punch.

I noticed Hux, but kept my focus on the child momentarily.* Alright kiddo, now go again and remember to keep balance and the position correctly so you don’t hurt yourself.

Hux: *glanced in your direction but was trying to stay focused on the training program*

*I look at Hux as I crossed my arms, clearing my throat softly. He had his arms behind his back, his posture straight and perfect as usual. No matter how he looked, he still looked like a handsome devil to me.* You’re here a bit early, came to check up on the troops? *I asked, in my gym outfit my muscles and curves were more noticeable, which always made people stare more. I didn’t notice my appearance unless looking in the mirror, but no matter what I always caught Hux looking then fighting back to look so I wouldn’t notice. I gave a slight smile* No matter what, it never fails to catch you staring. You must like what you see huh?

Hux: *nods* Of course I'm early. I was never one to arrive late. *blushes slightly as you catch him staring* Forgive me, but your beauty is something that can't be missed. Plus I've never seen you wear an outfit like that before. It looks good on you.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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