General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: Good, you should be able to get better sleep for a bit. It always worried me when you toss and turned in your sleep.

Hux: That sounds great. I do have an overactive mind and dream often, causing my sleep to be quite choppy on some nights. Sometimes the wine is the only thing to help me. And also you.

2: That warms my heart, knowing you’re waiting for me to return will make my day even better.

Hux: You know something, you actually make me...happy. I've never been happy before. I'm smiling more, also something I've never done. You are changing me hopefully for the better, love. I just hope I'm not becoming weak...

3: No, I do get jealous sometimes but it’s adorable and funny to see Millie all cuddled up to you in both cute and weird positions.

Hux: Don't worry, you're still my favorite. *winks*

4: I know you’ve been working hard for it all your life, I’ve heard stories of your ambition to rise to the top. Maybe, if we take other strategies we might be able to remove Ren from his title, however, it would have to be in a way he wouldn’t suspect.

Hux: *smirks, showing you a secret compartment in his drawers holding a journal* This is full of ideas of how to kill Ren. It's the only way to remove him from power. So far I haven't been able to come up with a way to eliminate him without being held accountable, accept for one but it's really risky and I haven't played that card just yet.

7: Well.. *I thought to myself for a moment, thinking of my response to him. I ran my hand through my hair as I answered* I knew what and who you were before we got together, before I came to this ship and before I met you. I know of the person you are, the things you’re capable of doing. It is fearful, it does scare me and there have been times where you scare me, so yes in a way I do fear you. *I looked at him slowly, smiling* But I love you, and I know when and how to avoid being on your bad side and calm you down. I was raised to not be intimated by no man or woman, but to be mindful of who they are and what they’re capable of.

Hux: Sounds similar of how I was raised, except my father instilled in me to become the very thing that people fear. I think I've succeeded.

8: *I smiled brightly at him* Hux you really do spoil me in so much love and affection, how can I ever thank you?

Hux: No need to thank me. Your love is present in itself.

9: It truly is lavish, to share this beautiful sight with you and to see that handsome smile? It makes it all the while better. I never met such a romantic man in my life, i am grateful my love. *Kisses his lips softly and passionately*

Hux: I even surprise myself with how romantic I am. *stares into your eyes after, starts looking nervous* I-I love you... *blushes bright at properly saying it for the first time* I mean that.


So sweet omg MinxCoda

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