Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

*I took the datapad back, nodding to him as he thanked me* You're welcome.

Kylo: Do you need my assistance for anything else? I have to meet up with my new advisor and rearrange my schedule.

*I sighed softly, I wasn't going to lie to him but I wouldn't tell him about anything too serious. I typed on the datapad, finalizing an order with his signature. I turned the datapad off as I looked at him calmly* I did some training as a child, I learned quite a lot in the small amount of training I took. I was also trained in a military styles, that adds to it.

Kylo: *steps closer, studying you* You seem to be quite talented for someone with only basic training. Anyone can wield a petty weapon but your knowledge on lightsaber combat strikes my curiosity... *waves his hand, trying to breach your mind* What are you hiding from me...


Great replies MinxCoda!

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