Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!

Kylo, he isn’t a jedi, I don’t know if it’ll work but we can try.. *I held Hux’s hand, nearly clinging to him in almost fear. I didn’t know what my brother would do, he was unpredictable and I never was able to pin point what he was capable of doing.*

Hux: *speaking softly* It will be okay, love. I'm right here.

*I walked to the cell door as I let Hux’s hand, the door opened immediately and there he was. Sitting down with his hands already cuffed, he looked up slowly, not moving a muscle but his breathing was like Darth Vader almost, I rolled my eyes*

Alright wannabe Darth Vader, get up, we’re taking you to a new cell. *I said, he then stood up slowly and approached me, he was obviously much taller than me, probably about an inch or two above Hux’s height.

Hux: *actually a little intimidated, taking a step back but showing no fear*

I grabbed him by the arm and led him out, looking at Kylo* Lead us to the cell Kylo, hurry up before my brother tries something

Kylo: *led everyone down to the dark depths of the Finalizer. Rows of cells followed a dimly lit corridor* Take any cell you wish. Any are built to restrain those powerful in the Force. *opened a cell door, showing a similar mechanism to the one he used on Rey but clearly upgraded for far worse means; the rows of torture equipment on the wall said the same* Pardon any bone fragments. The droids haven't been down here to clean in a while.

Hux: *by the look on his face he clearly had no idea this was even down here, but he was loving it* I must say Ren, I'm jealous. *glances at him more than once subtley so Kylo didn't see him* Definitely impressed.

Kylo: *took your brother and restrained him to the chair* Any means of escaping with send bolts of electric through the restraints. Droid guards will be activated and will shoot to kill. That's a warning for you.


Great replies MinxCoda

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