General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

*I kissed him back softly, pulling at slowly with a smile* You’re welcome my love, your words flatter me as well.

Hux: *smiles then sighs* And now back to boring work. I have to deliver a report to Kylo and bad news at that. One of our mining depots just doubled the price of obtaining their precious minerals. Although we can afford it for now, the increase would force us to slow production of our fleet and ground assault transports.

Perhaps...perhaps you can help me? Try to force them to lower their price. Threaten we will annihilate every living being that lives there, innocent or not, unless they comply. I will grant you emergency powers over our army and navy. Will you help me, love? Maybe Kylo's response will be less harsh.


I was actually at a blank for how to reply then this idea popped in my head lol MinxCoda

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