General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: It doesn’t bother me, I actually strangely enjoy sorting and doing paperwork. I usually rearrange my filing cabinets when I haven’t got anything to do. Feel free to take as long of a break as you want.

Hux: Thank you. You're kindness is appreciated. *left his office and headed back to his quarters for a nap*

2: *I winked at his comment, giggling as I stepped back from him. We had a good distance between us now, adjusting the volume of my lightwhip so it wouldn’t be too high to cause severe harm to him* You know I have a few scars on my legs, you always find those attractive and sexy. I don’t mind a few extra ones.

Hux: *smirks, swirling his lightwhip around him and catching your legs, bringing you down; it only stung a little since Hux turned the power down; he stood over you, chuckling* Sorry. I was trying to go easy, like I said. You had yourself open in the front and I couldn't resist. *offers a hand to help you up*


Great replies MinxCoda×

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