Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!

*I smiled, kissing Hux’s lips softly.* Nothing can kill me so easily, I’m okay my love.

Hux: *smiles and kisses you back with a soft hum*

*I turned my head to a nurse walking in, she typed on her datapad then looked up at me*

“Oh good! You’re awake, we were worried. How are you feeling? I’m going to need you to stand for me so I can check how your balance is.” *The nurse said*

Hux: Be careful, darling. 

I’m in pain, but it’s bearable. *I smiled at her as she walked over to the other side of my bed. She took my hand gently and helped me up, I groaned in pain, panting softly as I stood from the bed. She helps me stand in front of a mirror.* “Alright, I’m going to lift your shirt up for a moment.”

Hux: *bites his lip and looks away, feeling out of place*

*I nod nervously allowing her, when she lifted up my shirt my eyes widened. I had a large bruise from where my brother cut me on my torso which was now patched up to my middle and lower back. I started to freak out, the nurse noticed and immediately calmed me* “It’s fine hun! The bruising was just from when you hit the wall, it’s going away. I just wanted to check it and make sure your lower spine is okay? I’m gonna just check it.” *I nod, letting her gently feel around my torso, wincing slightly.*

*I look over to Kylo, still confused why he was here.I sighed softly* Kylo, why are you here? It’s not like you to...really care about my well being. What happened that made you wait here?

Kylo: *he took a breath* Your brother got away. Stole a shuttle. Destroyed the navigational system so we can't track it. He's gone, or at least hiding.

*I noticed Hux staring at the bruise on my back, he looked horrified, scared and more worried than I’ve seen him.* Hux, honey? What’s wrong? I’m okay I promise, just a bit of pain is nothing I can’t handle.

Hux: It shouldn't have happened. I should have been able to get in and stop him... *his eyes watering he quickly left the room to avoid being seen with tears*


Great replies MinxCoda!

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