General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux!

It’s fine, if you could fix it anyway possible I’d appreciate it. I hand made both chains myself, they’re very special. *I sighed, looking at Hux as I nodded my head understanding* I do believe you, from what I saw on the tapes it seemed he triggered the fight. I simply just want you both, for now, to succeed together. The First Order sees things like that and they will immediately question the authority, though I know they shouldn’t, I’ve watched it happen time and time again.

Hux: I can probably fix it. I'll work on it later on my break. *placed it within his hidden coat pocket* I know I have to get along. I do try very hard before I snap. He's just...very irritating to work with sometimes. But yes, I'll try harder for the sake of those watching.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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