Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylo!

*I watched Hux quickly leave the room, wanting to chase after him but I was in pain. I sighed heavily, listening to what Hux said then eyed Kylo before I looked away.*

Kylo: *kept his eyes on the floor, not wanting to be here anymore*

*The nurse stops, patting my shoulder then leaves the room for a moment, I looked at Kylo as I sighed.* You let him on the ship Kylo, I told you, you don’t know my brothers games like I do. Did you really think he’d play fair? Did you think any of it mattered? *I slowly walk to my bed, trying to ignore the pain in my back but I wince, falling onto my knees but I managed to catch myself, panting hard as I cursed under my breath*

Kylo: No, I completely expected that reaction. I even planned it. *watches you fall and uses the Force to lift you into a chair*

Did you come in here to see if I was okay, or to see if your planned worked Kylo? Don’t lie, please. Just tell the truth. *I said as I looked at him, not sounding angry but more so hoping he was here to make sure I was okay. I knew he had some good in him but I couldn’t be certain, he didn’t let it show often or show he’s nice*

Kylo: *hesitant* My plan failed from the beginning. You're too headstrong and he's too arrogant. I was foolish to think I could sway either of you under my rule, which was my goal. And I came here not to check on you but to protect you from round two of your brother. He will be back. I can sense it. When, I don't know. With you unconscious, and Hux being a pathetic match, I thought your brother would kidnap you. Then I'd have competition and that I don't want or need. Plus, Hux would never shut up until I brought you home.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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