Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

No, thank you for your assistance Kylo.

Kylo: Good. *sat down on his throne* Back to work.

*I stood my place, not moving or fidgeting as he moved closer. I almost rolled my eyes at his response but didn’t, keeping calm and contained* I’ve been talented all my life, a fast learner who rarely disappointed. *Soon as he waved his hand I already knew what he was trying to do, I sighed softly as of course I felt him trying to enter my mind, but I pushed him out with ease. My facial expression and stance remained still and calm* Swords are almost equal to lightsabers on Earth, I’ve trained with swords and many weapons that almost resemble lightsabers. Instead of trying to breach my mind, sit me down for a drink and a conversation. *I bowed to him respectfully* You shouldn’t be late to your meeting, I’ll be going. *I stood up, turning away and walking away from him to the turbo lift*

Kylo: *lowers his hand, his eyes drilling into your back* Of course. Wouldn't want to keep a Jedi from getting back to her job.


O.O MinxCoda

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