General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions for General Hux! 

1: *I sat beside Hux in his office, signing some papers as I watched him work hard at his computer. I gently put a hand on his arm, standing up as I put the papers on his desk gently* I know you’ve been working hard to make up for lost time, do you need help with anything? 

Hux: Actually, if you could file the paperwork I've already completed that would be great. And um...maybe if you could handle this stack of paperwork. I hate to ask but I really just want to end my shift soon...

2: Would you like to take me up on that training with the light whip? I’m prepared and ready for it whenever you are.

Hux: Oh, I've been so busy I've forgotten. Let's go train now. I have some free time. *led you to the gym and slid off his coat* Ever used one of these weapons before? *hands you one of his spare lightwhips* Much more elegant and stronger against a lightsaber, despite what Ren insists to believe. Balance and elegance is the key. Keeping the whip in momentum while sparring if the hardest part. Also avoiding injury. Are you sure you can handle this? Not because I don't believe in you, but because i don't want to see you get hurt.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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