Kylo Ren - Reply

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From Laynna_Ren:

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren,

Hey. How are you? Good I hope. Hopefully Hux hasn’t been around lately. Is it ok if I don’t have any questions for you right now? 

Kylo: You may do as you wish. I'll just direct my attention elsewhere.

*crosses arms and frowns annoyed/angry* Well, Thanks for that! Maybe I would like to stab you with a lightsaber!!

Kylo: *narrows his eyes, suddenly defensive* I'd like to see you try! *holds lightsaber blade to your neck*

And you’re welcome for the Birthday stuff!! Well, maybe I will be annoying like Hux now. 

Kylo: Oh please don't. I'll have to kill you.

FYI in Snoke’s throne room, when you and Rey were playing Force-Tug-of-War, you could have just walked up, like, two steps and grabbed Luke’s lightsaber instead of breaking it in half and getting knocked out or whatever. 

Kylo: Where's the fun in that? I'd rather best her out of it.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go talk with Rey or maybe even Hux. 
Goodbye...Ben Solo!! *stomps off* *Yells angrily* Have a nice day!! 

Kylo: *eyes widen at hearing his real name* You know too much! *uses the Force to pin you still* You're not going anywhere...

- xoxo Laynna Ren


Great replies Laynna_Ren!

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