General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Message for Hux!:

*I walked down the hallway, chatting with Hux as we secretly held hands so the other officers wouldn't notice. Suddenly, I felt a heavy weight of force on me, I looked up, my eyes widened.

Hux: *noticing your change of mood* Are you alright, love?

My brother, dressed in his full outfit he wore when he became a sith. He casually walked down the hallways, within a matter of seconds I let go of Hux's hand, charging at my brother as I pulled out a extendable baton. Without second thought, I attacked my brother. Within a few seconds I knocked him down, retracted the baton and pulling out a thin but strong black blade and pointing it at his neck, fuming at this point.* How DARE you step foot on this ship?! How DARE you even be here where I reside?!

*My brother panted, staring at me through his helmet as he laid there. Eventually, he spoke with a soft tone* "It's good to see you too sister. How m-"

*Before he could finish, I pressed the blade to his neck almost puncturing him* SHUT UP! I don't care for your greetings, why are you here?!

*He panted, laying on the floor still silent for a moment before he answered* "Ask the Head man in charge."

Hux: That's your brother? *his eyes flared and he called security. Stormtroopers rushed in and surrounded him, blasters pointed* Get off him, love. My men can handle this. *pulled out his dagger* I can handle this.


O.O MinxCoda

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