Resistance - Reply

35 4 5

Message from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

*to the resistance*

1: Poe, I know that I fixed the Black One: but I finally managed to begin the Production of T-85 X-Wings, and the B-Wing Mk: 2. Your T-85 X-Wing will have multiple different payloads including but not limited to: Buzz Droid Discord Missiles, Concussion Missiles, Proton Torpedos, Proton Bombs, Guided Missiles, Miniature Nuclear Missiles, Etc. and will have the same Color as your T-70 X-Wing.

Poe: *whistled* Sick. That's a lot of options for me to blow stuff up with.

2: Rey, James fixed your Lightsaber. *joking tone* but try not to break it this time, it took James litteraly a month. *James hands Rey her Lightsaber before climbing up on Finn's shoulder*

Rey: *gasps* I can't believe it! *ignites it and swings it around* It's just like new! Thank you!

3: Finn, I have confirmed that you are Force Sensitive. *a Protodeka arrives in places a box in front of him using it's turbo laser barrels, and inside was a copy of the Darksaber* that weapon is your life, and that one's a copy as the original one is with my wife. Her species is an anthropomorphic wolf like creature known as a Worgen, she'll be able to teach you better than me.

Finn: *speechless, eyes wide, takes the weapon, pale*

4: BB-8, I need you tell Leia that I almost got Ben come home But I failed... maybe if, she was with me... he would have come...

BB-8: *whistles back he understood and rolled away*


Great replies JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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