First Order - Reply

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From darthfalence:

replies to the first order

1( that's the clone of the sith starkiller, not the base

Hux: Ah, my mistake. I didn't see the man, I only heard the name.

2( got it from a old man on tattoine, didn't even know what it was

Kylo: I'm curious about this "old man"...

3( phasma that's already unlocked, it will give you accesss to thousands of years of knowledge, hyperspace routes, old weapon factories, hidden super weapons, how to create suer powerful weapons and armor plus whole mines of the stuff that short circuits lightsabers.

Phasma: Wow. *stares down at the holocron* This is amazing.

4(speaking of which kylo if you were trying to use that lightsaber I implanted a bit of that stuff in my suit, barely even a eight of an inch but just enough that wont work, now you call me a traitor when you attempted to let the when you attempted to let the rebel command go and let the last jedi, one of our biggest threats leave, and killed the supreme leader, now, phasma, hux, can I place a cuff on this guy? I may want to kill him but I like where I am right now

Kylo: I'm the Supreme Leader now. You have to bow down to me. I'll hold you for mutiny. Execute you for treason. What you're accusing me of is honest mistakes, ones I won't make again. Not that I need to plead my innocence to someone like you.

Phasma: Unfortunately, no.

Hux: I wish though, but no.


Great replies darthfalence

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