Phasma & BB-9E - Reply

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From JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Questions for BB-9E and Phasma

1: *11 giant Lucrehulk Class Battleships and 11 giant Lucrehulk Class Droid Control Ships come out of Hyper Space and surround the Star Destroyer and destroy the weapons on it* hey BB-9E and Captain Phasma, remember me? I'd like to introduce you to the Lucrehulk Class Droid Control Dreadnoughts and Lucrehulk Class Battle Dreadnoughts. Aren't they beautiful?

Phasma: I do remember you. They're alright, although I'd appreciate it if you could not blast our weaponry off. We won't shoot you. All your doing is making waves with us.

BB-9E: *beeps a sigh, knowing he has to arrange repairs*

2: the way you pride yourselves on beating the Resistance, I don't see the First Order winning the war. Since you lost Star Killer Base, and lost the Supremacy and abandoned it before I took it: are the two main reasons.

Phasma: Just wait. We're close to launching our strongest strike yet. The Resistance won't survive.

BB-9E: *extends two lighters*

3: *sees the First Order TIE Models being launched and launches my on Droid Fighters* it's also Humiliating that you guys can't shoot down a single Droid Fighter from the Clone Wars, and you all have the superior tech.

Phasma: We can. Watch. *launches their new TIE model and blows up six of your droids in a row* It has impenetrable shields and firepower of multiples TIE fighters in one.

BB-9E: *laughs electronically*

Phasma: Although I'm not here to start a war with you. Let's each leave on good terms.

4: don't try to track my ships, they have a special Jammer that will make you unable to track them including the one I'm on

Phasma: As I said, I see no need to start a war with of yet.


Great replies JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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