General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux!:

It’ll work, I hope it’ll work.

Hux: That's about all we can do is hope.

Trust me, these allies I’ve known for years. They all have seen what I’ve shown you, more gruesome versions of it.

Hux: *cringe* I can't imagine seeing worse...

*I sighed, taking my hand off his face and placing it on his chest. I focused on the force, sending warm, tingly sensations to his chest that traveled throughout his body. I noticed he was caught off guard, I held his arm gently with my other hand* Hey hey, it’s alright my love. You aren’t getting any more memories, I’m just helping you relax.

Hux: *still uncertain* As nice as it feels, I'm skeptical about the Force. I don't trust the fact that it can be controlled by a certain person. I feel as if at any time, the Force could consume and take over the body.

But then again, I barely believe the Force has an existence at all to begin with.

*I moved my hand away after a few minutes, kissing his lips gently* Let us head to your chambers, I need to speak to my allies then rest after. Come. *I lead him out the room and back to his chambers. The night will be long, anxious and full of worry and fear. Tomorrow is a new day, I’d do everything I could to stay alive. For Hux’s sake and mine.*

Hux: *gave you space to contact your allies but sat on his bed, worried about tomorrow. He tried to hatch out his own plan in case things didn't work out. His biggest fear was if he was going to make a choice between the First Order and the girl of his dreams*


Great replies MinxCoda

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