Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!

*My heart was beating out my chest, without hesitation my brother ignited his lightsaber and charged towards me, I screamed as I dodged every swing he threw at me. Unfortunately, I tripped over myself and he got the upper hand, he managed to cut my side, then in front of my right ear, across my face under my eye a bit and the bridge of my nose. I let out a blood curling scream as I fell down down, clutching my face.*

Kylo: *watches, almost amused you two shared a scar* Now, now, let's not get too hasty and kill her too quickly. She could be useful.

*I looked up, barely able to see anything but my brothers figure. However I could tell he was getting super close, out of instinct I put my hand out sending him back with the force into the wall, knocking him out for god knows how long.

Kylo: *eyes widened slightly but didn't go move to help him* Impressive. That's the kind of power I knew you had, that I knew only at your most desperate moment you would bring out. That is a raw tool we need to slice our way through this disillusioned galaxy.

I managed to slowly pick myself up, panting as tears fell down my face* Kylo, you’re such an idiot!! You really think my brother would stay true to an alliance?! This isn’t the first time he’s done this, he’ll make my death look real but kidnap me to force train me and bring down the First Order!! You let him on this ship and created an alliance with a mad man!!

Kylo: Don't think I don't know his intentions. He may be a bit...insane, but he's on a tighter leash than you think. *shows you a small device hidden in his belt buckle, even smaller than a comlink* I implanted a chip in your brother when he came on board. He gets out of hand, I press the button and the chip will explode along with him. Problems solved. I'm not as stupid as you take me to be.

*I moved away from my brother, leaning against another wall as I panted, tears still streaming down my face* Hux!! Hux please get me out of here please!!

Hux: *was at full panic* I'm trying! *he even tried shooting the lock on the door to disengage it* Please hang on, love! *grabs his comlink* I need backup down here now! Full squadrons!

*I stood there for a moment, shaking my head slowly* Kylo..why do you never think before you act? Why do you do these idiotic things?! I understand how much you hate both me and Hux’s guts...but now you’re bringing your own self down you fool..

Kylo: This is not idiotic. I have the situation under control.  The only thing I am doing is putting you and Hux in line. Also, using your brother to do my dirty work with enlisting systems to our cause. *steps towards you, offering you a small medpac for your injury* I'm not a monster though. I know what boundaries are. *slight sympathy in his eyes but it faded just as fast*


Great replies MinxCoda!

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