General Hux & Captain Phasma - Reply

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From JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Replies to General Hux and Captain Phasma:

1: *General Grievous activates his Lightsabers and grabs Captain Phasma by the face with his foot before throwing her on the floor* I disagree, Captain

Hux: *didn't move to help her, knowing she can handle herself* Grievous, you certainly have better etiquette than that.

Phasma: *pins the barrel of her blaster against his chest* You kill me, I kill you. Is that how you want this meeting to end? Two dead bodies on the floor?

Hux: *snickers* Technically, I still come out on top.

2: I don't think that you have gone through what General Grievous has, General Hux. *General Grievous then grabs Hux by the face with his free hand*

Hux: *loses his cool for a moment, a flash of fear flickered in his eyes and he turns a little paler* I strongly suggest releasing me.

Phasma: *smirks beneath her mask, imagining taking Hux's position once he's dead*

3: you will join the Resistance General Hux and Captain Phasma, one way or another. the Kaleesh Cyborg General with me seems to think so

Hux: Tell your stupid cyborg we aren't interested. He's only creating more enemies.

Phasma: Not to mention a raise on the bounty over his head.


Great replies JoeyKirkpatrickJr and... Grievous? Lol

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