Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

1: Already on it. *I made sure to measure the cape correctly as I cut it, adding any extra sewing and such that needed to be added to the cape.* I know with Summer being away it’s been difficult for you, I can tell just by how you’ve changed, and how many consoles and more damages have been doubled. *I said calmly, closely paying attention to the sewing of the cape* Have you tried maybe taking up a hobby?

Kylo: I've been playing Dejarik with Hux more. It takes my mind off of things. That's about it. I can't help what happens during the day. When I have nothing to do and all I'm doing is sitting around and thinking...I go crazy.

2: *I looked up at him, not bothered that he called me a petty officer. I smiled softly, shrugged as I looked back at the datapad as I continued to type* If you say so. I’m more than just a ‘petty officer’, don’t just a book by its title. *I said to him then turned my attention to two officers approaching me, I informed them to replace the table and they did so*

Kylo: That can go both ways. You think you know me so well, yet do you really know me at all? I seem to be able to slip around your detection at any time of day.

3: Animals aren’t so bad, Millie is just a fluff of joy. Why would you want to keep your enemies ashes around? I’m surprised you haven’t scattered them across the galaxy or some random planet

Kylo: Millicent is really more annoyance than anything else, but I tolerate her. And I have scattered the ashes when the compartment filled. I dumped it, then started filling it again. Can't tell you how many times I've done that.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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