Summer - Reply

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From MoonDash21:

For Summer:

1. Sunset pink? That’s oddly specific...and slightly romantic! You ever want to share a beautiful sunset with Kylo?

Summer: *smiles a little then it fades* I've always dreamed about that. I thought it would be so romantic but unfortunately living on a ship means we don't get a sunset. It's always darkness outside.

2. Aw, that’s so sweet of you! What about your parents? Do you ever miss them?

Summer: I do. I try not to think about them because I'll end up crying.

3. *frowns* Watch out for that Hux figure, I have a feeling he’s going to use my hiring as some weird advantage. That’s just how he works, I suppose. How do you normally deal with Hux? Do you like...punch him in the face or something? *smiles wickedly* Because Kylo gave me permission to smack whoever I want and however hard I want.

Summer: *laughs* I want to punch him often but no, I don't. Sass seems to be more effective. And he gave you that permission? Wow. Better watch out for you. Kylo is going to have you handle a lot of problems when he doesn't want to. *winks*

4. Flirting? I haven’t done that in a long time...I won’t flirt with him I swear. And he better learn the difference between being nice and full out romantic flirting. But I can see how little acts of friendliness would work...he probably doesn’t receive those often without someone wanting something from him. *panics* THAT’S JUST AWFUL! *stares at Summer with wide and concerned eyes* TELL ME NOW! WHAT’S HIS FAVORITE FOOD? I’M GOING TO MAKE HIM A SNACK OR SOMETHING.

Summer: I'm basically the only person on the ship that's nice to him. He has it hard here, always trying to impress his doubting crew. Hux's attitude doesn't help. *steps back at the outburst* Easy there girl! Okay, um...ooh, he's never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I would have made one for him but those things don't exist up here.

5. I want a lightsaber… Where do I get one? Can I just buy one online? *gasps* COULD YOU TEACH ME HOW TO USE ONE? Pleeeaaassee?

Summer: No, it's not that simple. You have to be Force sensitive, and then you have to find a kyber crystal. Long process. But I guess it can't hurt to let you borrow mine to play with a little bit. You have to be careful. First you can dismember yourself, second this is irreplaceable for me.


Great replies MoonDash21!

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