Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!

“Such a gentleman, thank you.” *My mother said with a smile. She looked over to see my father walking up next to her, he was the same height as Hux. A lot of the men in my family are tall. My mother smiled, patting my fathers back.* “This is my wonderful husband Michael, he’s been very eager to meet you as well Hux. Don’t be too afraid of him, he’s a big softy once you get to know him”

Hux: Me? Afraid? Never. You are speaking to the General of the First Order, the second in command to the Supreme Leader himself. I fear nothing. *nervous as ever as he shook his hand*

*I smiled at my parents, giggling. I turned my head to see Kylo looking at my parents then walking over. Without hesitation I walked over to Kylo, stopping In front of him as I put my hand out to stop him* Kylo, my parents are simply visiting. You do not need to meet them, please. I don’t want you and Hux fighting in front of them, I just want this to be a pleasant visit and that’s it. Please?

Kylo: *rolls his eyes* I was merely coming out here for the sake of curiosity. *turns to leave* As long as they are gone by the end of the cycle, I don't care.

*My mother watched me, leaning towards Hux.* “May I ask if that is Kylo Ren? The said Supreme Leader?

Hux: *glances back* Mhm. That is Kylo Ren. Hopefully not too disappointing in your eyes. He is, unfortunately, who is in charge right now.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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