General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux!:

*I walked out of Kylo’s office, trying to fix the chain on the necklace but was unable to.* Damn it. *I sighed, looking at Hux who was already at my side* Nothing happened, except Kylo snapping the necklace off my neck, now the chain is broken. *I sighed, upset about the chain but figured it could be fixed later*

Hux: Let me see it. *gently takes the necklace from you, studying the damaged area* I could probably burn it back together, or you can have a new chain. I'll do whichever makes you happiest. I'm sorry he did this to you.

We talked about the crystal, but most importantly he just stated his issues with you. He said you started the fight but it doesn’t matter who did and didn’t, all that matters is it’s fixed and now you two at least just tolerate each other’s presence..

Hux: I try to tolerate him. He pushes my buttons. It's like he's trying to antagonize me so I snap and can be blamed for it. *rolls his eyes* He's just trying to make me appear as a fool so the army will lose faith in me, when in turn he is the one that needs replaced. I will try to have a little more patience, but I know you understand it from my point of view, love.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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