General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux! 

*I panted, staring at my brother as the flashbacks of what he did to me rushed to my brain. I put away my blade, not moving my eyes away from him* No, he is my brother. He came here because of me, how Kylo even let him on this ship is questionable in itself. I need a word with Kylo. 

Hux: I'll make sure you get your say. I want answers too. *noticed Kylo's assistant they were coming his comlink*

*I gripped onto my brother, lifting him up roughly to make him stand up* Stormtroopers, take him to a jail cell. If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll comply. If he doesn’t, shoot him. *I pushed him to three Stormtroopers who grabbed him, cuffed him then took him away to a jail cell* 

Hux: I want guards outside his cell and on watch at all times. He is a high risk prisoner. Do not leave him unattended.

*I looked down at my hands, seeing how much they were shaking. My nerves were shot up, I could feel my entire body shaking and shivering. I dismissed the other troopers as I turned to Hux.* I’m so sorry for my out burst like that...I acted on instinct, I don’t know why he’s here. Can you please have two of your best ranked soldiers guard my brothers cell, and have someone tell Kylo I need to meet him immediately.

Hux: *gently takes your shaky hands, giving them a kiss* Calm down, love. I don't want to see you faint. I already ordered guards, as well as sent a notice to Kylo, but I'll send a whole squadron if you're more comfortable. *kisses your forehead* When you're ready, I desire to speak with Kylo as well. This won't go unnoticed. Our questions deserve to be answered.


Great replies MinxCoda!

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