General Hux & Captain Phasma - Reply

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Question from MinxCoda:

Questions for Hux and Phasma!:

*I was working on a BB-Unit in a mechanic room, wearing a white sleeveless shirt and black cardio pants. The BB-unit looked exactly like BB-8, but wasn’t the one from the movies or the First Order. This unit was brand new but needed some work. Another droid helped me by passing tools and helping me with the unit. I heard the door to the room open, I looked up to see Phasma and Hux rushing in, arguing loudly about the troops but had major concerned looks. I turned my head back to the BB-Unit as I worked on it* Something wrong you two? Do you need me?

Hux: *glares at Phasma* The only thing I need is for Phasma to remember she is ranked below me and must come to me with any changes in our training techniques!

Phasma: *glares at Hux* What I need is for Hux to trust me and my judgement to correct and flaws I see in the system!

Hux: I only see one flaw right now.

Phasma: *growls and goes for her steel staff, even ripping off her helmet, furious* You want to say that to me again you sycophant?

Hux: *drew his daggers* Stand down Phasma or I'll drop you back on the pathetic excuse of a world you were found!

Kylo: *walks in, stops at seeing the two going at it again, walks out*


Lol I had to bring Kylo into it for a laugh MinxCoda

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