Oddity on the Screen

Start from the beginning

"Sweet mother of God, it happened again."

Madran slowly turned around to see a man who appeared as old as Yukiko, with short cut brown hair that was obviously dyed, pale-ish skin and brown eyes. He was wearing a patterned t-shirt and jeans. Madran slowly turned around, which made Suga burst into laughter.

"Uh, S-Sheila did it!"

Sheila sighed, and looked over to the man, or Yosuke.

"Yes, I did say your name."

Sheila looked up and smiled at Yosuke. However, she then flinched in tandem with Yosuke.

"Ooh, I guess that they did the eye thingy."

"The color inverting and the such?"


Yosuke wiped his eyes.

"Huh. What was that?"

"Um, I have no idea..."

"For a second, I swear you turned into a weird, Egyptian-looking lady."

"Oh... that's, uh, weird."

Sheila laughed uncomfortably.

"I saw a, um, weird frog monster."

Sheila and Yosuke both exchanged awkward looks for a bit.

"Wait, are you Sheila Inan?"

"Yeah. I came here for the panel. I brought my friends, Madran and Suga along."

"Really? Wow! I'm such a big fan!"

Yosuke looked rather excited, and Sheila shook his happily extended hand.

"Your latest photoshoot was great! Like, how long did you hold that pose?"

"For about 10 minutes. My hand still hurts."

"Ooh, the one with that perfume bottle?"

"Yep. Oh, Yosuke-sama, if you want to, we could meet up again at the event at the Samegawa Rec. Center and visit me at my booth."

"Oh, right, the panel."

"Also, Risette's here. I saw her with Yukiko, and we chatted for a bit. Ooh, and, and, Lisa from The Muses is here!"

"Really? That's amazing!"

"Yeah. Oh, also, according to Suga, you're a guy who can answer a question I have."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Well, last night, at around 12 PM, the TV started acting up. I was confused about this, because I had unplugged it to help Madran and Suga sleep."

Yosuke looked very confused.

"What did you see on it?"

"Well, I saw a buncha green static and a figure of someone who resembled a friend Madran has."

Yosuke nodded.

"Excuse me, I have to go. I'll see you at the event!"

Yosuke went to past a building and got on a bike and left.

"This can't be good, if he reacted like that."

"Um, let's just hurry to Junes."

After some walking and troubled thinking, the trio arrived at a large supermarket that had a large red logo on the front reading "JUNES" in big letters. The three entered the store and looked around.

"Wow. Margaret wasn't lying, this place is nice."

"This is almost as good as the store in Shibuya! Wow!"

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