A Taste of the Metaverse

Start bij het begin

"Geez. This is crazy, huh?"

Sheila nodded, and, upon closer inspection, Madran found that the lady had what seemed to be pastel white skin, with hands of the same color. A black veil covered her mouth, and a black gem was situated on her forehead. Each of her arms had black sleeves with golden cuffs, and seemingly gloveless hands. Durga had a red head covering, with two of the extra hands covering that. She could be seen wearing a red outfit that split down the middle, with the split having a type of squiggly line to it. The parts that were white on the chest were lined with black gems, going down to a poofy yellow end to the covering. Her legs has a similar squiggly pattern with white and black, ending in impressively large high heels. However, Durga was hovering, taking any worry away from having to stand on those.

"I am Durga... it is my duty to eliminate the evil that plagues this world. That shall be your destiny..."

Durga took a dagger from nowhere, circling it around her hands. She joined in with Ulala's attack, and the enemies were hit with fire, electricity, wind, and ice.

"Ok! Everyone, get in, get in!"

Maya directed everyone on her team to attack at all once. This created a combined spell of a massive burst of earth, killing most of the shadows. Madran then led an attack with her team, and Sheila pointed at the enemies.

"Show them a Tentarafoo!"

Nefertiti swirled her orb around, causing many small, yellow lines to come from it. They slammed into a few of the remaining shadows, but were dodged by the rest. The shadows affected started to panic, launching a few unsuccessful attacks at them.

"Hmm. Panic."

Maya nodded towards Sheila.


"Thank you!"

Madran directed an Agilao at a dog monster, killing it. Chicory then barked, and Yorick cut an Oni in two.

"Beauty! Hit 'em!"

Sheila noticed that there were only Onis left. She preformed a Makouha, knocking them all over.

"All-Out Attack!"

Maya, Ulala, and Yukino all looked confused, but them shocked as the rest were utterly decimated by the excess of magic. Maya nodded.

"Whoop-ass completed!"

Artemis nodded.

"Indeed. That was one powerful fusion spell, Madran."

Madran looked confused.

"A fusion spell? This ain't one of those, we just do this to finish shadows off."

"Well, a fusion spell is like a way to do more damage with more than one attack at once. For example, we used Bitter Cold Wind, one that Ulala came up with."

Ulala nodded.

"Yeah. Maya's rule is that if you come up with it, then you can name it."

"Cool. Maybe, we should try it!"

Sheila nodded.


Madran turned around to see Suga running over to them. Astria crossed her arms.

"More fated teenagers... my my, Durga, this reminds me quite of Tatsuya and his friends."

Durga and Yukino nodded.

"Hi, Plague! How are ya?"

"Good! You have to see this!"

Madran noticed that Suga had Bubonia give her phone to her, but she was nowhere to be seen. She walked up to them, and played a recording she took of the conference. It was right when Proctora went up to speak, and Suga was very happy. She played it, showing a very remorseful Proctora.

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