The New Pharaoh in Town

Start from the beginning

Sheila tossed her mask off so that it landed next to the bouncers. They were confused, but were all terribly surprised when Nefertiti came from the mask. She then cast Hama, taking out one of the guards. The group then hopped down, and were caught by a strong, light-like force from Nefertiti. The bouncers seemed incredibly shocked by this, and transformed into the actual shadow forms.

"They never saw it coming, huh?"

Suga, after remarking that, jumped out of the way of what looked to be an Agilao. She summoned her persona, as well as the rest of the persona-users. Philemon, meanwhile, supplied everyone with buffs and debuffs.

"Oh! Yikes!"

Madran saw an Oni and a small, red devil-like creature. It looked to be bony and wrinkled, and had a rather suggestive look on its face. A large, orange spike was right on where its area was, causing great discomfort in Madran. It wasn't helped by the face or the way it held it as well.

"Umm... ew."

Madran scanned the new shadow, and Sheila cast a Kouha on the Oni, knocking it over.

"That's an Incubus. It's weak to, uh, electricity! That's your cue, Philemon!"

Sheila used a Hama on the Oni, killing it due to its inability to move. Philemon, after concentrating and almost being hit by another Agilao, cast a Zio, knocking the Incubus over. The shadow, realizing what a pickle it was in, went to plead to Madran.

"P-please don't! I'm just following Shiini's orders!"

Sheila glared at the shadow.

"I don't care about him."

The Incubus's eyes widened.

"YOU'RE Sheila?"

Sheila nodded.

"Yep. Run, or face the light. Three..."

The Incubus let out a cry of fear, flying up and quickly escaping through the rafters.

"Good job. That was... a bit messy."

"The poor Oni didn't get a chance to even say anything."

"Nah, I didn't want to hear anything from any of Shiini's henchmen."

"Oh, well."

"Hey, Sheila?"

Sheila looked over to Suga.

"What weapons did you get?"

Sheila looked around confusedly. Nefertiti swirled her orb around.

"She simply has a spear and a popgun."

"A popgun?"

Sheila reached under her dress, drawing out a gun that was slightly bigger than Suga's syringe gun. It was pink, and had a large barrel. Sheila noticed that a small string connected a tiny cork-like object to the top of the muzzle.

"Ooh! Fire it?"

"But how?"

"Simply cock the gun."

Sheila aimed the gun at the wall, taking the back part of the gun. It had a small handle, and was marked with "PULL". Sheila, with some difficulty, pulled the handle. A massive BANG noise could be heard, and confetti was shot everywhere. After the cloud cleared, everyone could see a golf ball-sized hole in the wall across from Sheila.

"Damn. That's some powerful shit."

Sheila chuckled.

"Geez. Um, shall we continue?"

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