The New Pharaoh in Town

Start from the beginning

"Where should we go?"

"Gimme a hot sec!"

Madran summoned Nightingale, scanning the palace to the best of her ability. She was pointed in the direction to the treasure, and pointed that way.

"We're going in, team! Get ready!"

Chicory seemed to be eagerly waiting at the entrance, wagging his tail at the mention of heading into the palace. Sheila, Suga, and Philemon all went up to the entrance.

"Ok. So, Nightingale was quick to point out that Shadow Shiini fled down here."

"Gotcha. Well, let's go!"

Sheila led the way with Madran, noticing that Madran and Nightingale were trying their best to keep in front.

"Um, guys? You don't have to go so fast."

Sheila and Madran stopped after hearing Suga's calling, turning to see that Suga was several paces behind. Philemon was even further behind, and was moseying. 

"Then hurry up!"

Madran looked around the hall, seeing that it looked much like a backstage area that actors would be in before they go to a play.

"Hmm. I wonder what this is."

During the time that they spent looking at their surroundings, Philemon and Suga caught up.

"I feel that this has something to do with the strip club."

Suga nodded.

"Ah. Yeah. That thing."

"Also, we should keep moving until we find a Safe Room."

"Ok! Let's go!"

The group went on ahead. Chicory seemed to catch the scent of something, sniffing about the floor. He led everyone to the end of the hallway, and stopped.

"What is it, Chic?"

Yorick appeared over Chicory.

"There are a few bouncers awaiting us ahead."


Madran looked around, seeing that with the help of Nightingale, she could jump up to the rafters.

"I'm going up!"

Madran summoned Nightingale. She then was flown up to the rafters, sneaking ahead and into the next room.

"Ok... there are about three bouncers, and they're all waiting for us to go through the door," Madran shouted back down.

"Ok! What should we do?"

"Can Nefertiti float you up?"


Sheila summoned Nefertiti. She shrugged, hovering her orb next to Sheila.

"Grab on, dear."

Sheila held onto the ball, and was hovered up to where Madran was. Nefertiti dispersed and Sheila's mask appeared back on her.

"Ok! There's more than enough room here!"

Suga, Philemon, and Chicory all made it up to the rafters as well.

"This is a very convenient hole in the ceiling."

"Yep! Let's go give those guards the scare of their lives!"

The group crawled over to the section above the next room. Madran held up her fingers and whispered, "One, two, three!"


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