"Is it really him...?"

Philemon hovered in front of Elizabeth, turning into a human.

"Greetings. I am Philemon. Your master would know me by 'boss.'"

Elizabeth nodded.

"Ah, yes. I have heard... little of you."

"Can we get going? I found the palace!"

Everyone nodded, following Madran and Nightingale. After much walking and smaller talking, they made it to a massive clearing.

"Hey, I recognize this! This is the drive up to my home."

Elizabeth smiled.

"My, oh, my. This is quite interesting."

Everyone began the painful journey of walking up the massive drive. Sheila's house was nothing short of a mansion, and, as Madran had seen, her parents were nothing short from rich.

"Goodness. This driveway is crazy."

"Well, normally, you'd be driven up it."

"I shall be sure to create a connection to the Velvet Room from the top of this insurmountable mountain."

"And I will take residence in there."

"I just wanna change a bitch's heart."

"Nice forward thinking, Madran."

Eventually, everyone made it to the top. A blue door appeared right as they got there, and Elizabeth bid her farewell before entering it.

"Ok! We all know the drill!"

Sheila looked confused.

"What's the drill?"

"We barge in!"


"Well, I've done it the other two times."

Madran ran up to the door.

"Plague, Clown!"

Suga and Chicory went in with her. Philemon walked next to Sheila as they followed.

"Hey, um, wait up!"

Sheila caught up to everyone, with Philemon lagging behind.

"Yikes. This looks... different."

Sheila looked around. Madran noticed that the area wasn't at all like her mansion, and instead looked a lot like a mall. However, all of the shops were closed except for one.

"Do ya think that's the palace?"

"We're in the palace, like, this is distorted as fuck."

"What does this mean?"

"He views your mansion as a landmark? I don't get the symbolism."

Philemon finally caught up with them.

"The real question is what's in the only open shop."

Everyone nodded, walking into the shop.

"Hmm. It's a bunch of photography stuff."

"Hello? Do you need anything?"

A masked salesman walked up and stood behind the counter. His mask seemed to be a generic masquerade mask, which was rather boring to everyone.

"Um, we were looking for a, um..."

The shadow looked directly at Sheila, ignoring Madran.

"Oh, it's Ms. Inan. Are you here to visit Shiini?"

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