The True Inner Self

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"I already-"

"You would spend day and night with your loving father!"


Shadow Travert stepped back a bit.

"Hmm. Fine. Butlers, deal with this nuisance."

The butlers all took out various weapons and began to advance towards Madran.

"Dad... just..."

Madran felt a tear form in her eye.

"My, my... how much longer can you take this?"

Madran dropped to her knees and held her head as a splitting migraine hit her like a brick wall. Shadow Travert looked around confusedly.

"For years, you have endured this mental torture..."

A soft, female voice spoke out.

"When will you learn that it can be stopped?"

Madran held her head more.

"I... tried..."

"Did you really try? Did you expose him to the fire of you heart, and reject him for the bastard for which he is?"

Shadow Travert gasped.

"! I didn't!"

"But do you finally see it? His blind hate for your very existence, for the mother yo so dearly love, for the friends who give you hope in these dark hours?"

"Yes... I finally see!"

"You can see through the lies and slander that this man has subjected you to for your life?"


Madran looked back up. A mask resembling a flame formed over her eyes and forehead.

"Excellent... now, let us disperse these fumes. Ah, contract..."

Madran slowly began to walk towards Shadow Travert. He expressed extreme offense and confusion at what the voice said.

"I art thou... thou art I... let the fire of your soul never be covered by the smog of lies ever again!"

Madran nodded. She then grabbed the mask and tore it off of her face. She felt like something was drawn from her body, and she let out a cry of pain. A dark red liquid had covered where her mask was. She then stopped and began cackling, with a twisted smile forming on her face. She then burst into blue fire.

"A-aah! What the?!"

Shadow Travert stepped back a bit, expressing shock and horror on his face. The fire split from Madran, and she now appeared to be wearing a red dress with flame patterns on the bottom, arms cuffs that looked like small fires and a hair pin that looked like a single flame. The fire then slowly wore off.

"What is that?!"

The result was a massive woman about three times Madran's height. She was wearing a gown, had her hair up in a bun, was wearing a bonnet a held a lit candle. She also had dark blue skin and hair, with a light blue color to her gown with a matching fire pattern on the bottoms and angel-like wings that were a violet color.

"I've been left on the back burner long enough! This time, you'll be the one to burn!"

Madran pointed at the butlers.

"Nightingale! Torch 'em!"

Madran's Persona, Nightingale, blew on her candle. The butlers all burst into flames, becoming piles of ashes. Shadow Travert quickly retreated, signaling more butlers to come.

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