Chapter 38- Retribution

Start from the beginning

I look down and flip the heart upside down, my lips curving back into that same stupid smile.

It reads...

To my love, Judi.

In his cute, messy handwriting.

 Tears build up in my eyes, dropping onto my cold hands as I stare intently at the gleaming pendant.

I flip the heart around, my heart breaking when I run my finger over the engraving.

I slowly sit myself back onto the bed, my body tense and stiff as my mind wraps around everything.

Questions, and fears... all running through my head in the same moment.

My breathing gets even heavier as I attempt to choke back my tears.

When will I see him again...?

Will I see him again?

"Rise and shine, little girl."

I gasp and look up, Bella perched against the doorway with a devilish smile on her face.

She's wearing a jumpsuit similar to mine, except hers is blood red with a structured collar that goes up to the middle of her neck. Her red hair falls all the way down to her waist, those same red eyes piercing into my soul as she stares me down.

I can see a bulge under the suit around her stomach... which must've been where Angel's sword went.

But even now... seeing her still sends a chill up my spine.

Even if she doesn't want to kill me anymore, I'm still wary of her since at one point... my demise was her mission.

I tense up even more than before, dropping my hands from the necklace. I stare right back at her, trying my best not to feel completely overwhelmed.

"It's about time, Judi..." She laughs and walks into the room, slowly closing the door behind her. "We were beginning to get a bit impatient..."

I clench my teeth.

"Why am I here?! Why did you take me here?!" I ask frantically, trying my best to sound strong.

But deep down within myself, I know that any bit of strength I once had is now gone.

She laughs under my breath.

"I didn't take you here." She steps in front of me and places her hands on her hips. "Satan did. You can ask him all the questions you want."

I wrinkle my eyebrows.

Now that I think about it... Satan gave Bella's body back to her...

So where could he be?

"What are you talking about?" I say in an annoyed tone. "If he's not using your body, then where-"

"Satan is the God of Demons, Judi. You know that." She replies, cutting me off. "He takes his physical form here in Gehenna... where most demons like Amaimon and other demons keep the bodies they've consumed and use them both in Assiah and Gehenna. I think you'll be most satisfied with Satan's appearance... he looks quite peaceful if I say so myself."

She giggles and leans onto the nightstand next to my bed.

I scoff and shake my head, looking down at the ground.

"Where am I?!" I don't look up at her. "What kind of place in Gehenna has stuff like this?"

She steps in front of me so that she captures my full attention.

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