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95- Zayn

Zayn groaned softly as he rolled over onto his stomach, his leg pounding. He sat up groggily and rubbed his sleepy face. Grabbing one crutch from the other side of the bed and one from his right, he hoisted himself up, unbalanced at first. He walked out into the hall, the light blinding him for minute. His leg hurt as if someone had struck it and Zayn found it even harder to stay balanced on the crutches. He squinted as he hobbled down the stairs, stomach growling loudly. Loud voices could be heard from the living room even before he entered it.

It was like stepping into a zoo. Safaa was sitting on the carpet with Liam, cards spread in front of them. On the couch to the left sat Jawad and Daniaal, speaking excitedly with Louis. Aunt Zilah was sitting with Trisha and Doniya on the right, and Harry walked out the kitchen with Waliyha, a tray of chocolate chip cookies in hand.

"Harry Styles' home baked cookies everyone!" Louis said in an announcer's voice. Harry rolled his eyes playfully with a smile as he placed the cookies on the coffee table. "Hope they taste."

"Zayn," someone said from behind, making Zayn jump. He nearly toppled over.

"Oh sorry," Niall said sheepishly, who had come down the stairs behind him. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine," Zayn mumbled, running a hand through his hair. He walked further into the room and greeted everyone, squished by hugs.

"How are you feeling?" Daniaal asked worriedly, looking down at his leg. Zayn sat down on the armchair, and Niall sat on it's arm. "Better." He decided keeping the part about his leg hurting, it was bearable and he could take the medicines later. He smiled at Aunt Zilah. "What a surprise, though. Have you been here since noon?"

"No, we arrived just an hour ago," she said, patting his hand. She was frowning worriedly, lips curled sourly . "It's horrible what happened. I hope those bastards are put into jail."

Zayn just nodded. I do too.

"Here, try a cookie," Louis said, offering him one. He smiled and bumped his shoulder. "Did a nap work?" His words formed a question, but it didn't match the question in his eyes. It looked more like Louis was wondering if Zayn had gotten proper sleep. And with proper sleep...he meant dreamless.

Zayn nodded, giving him a small smile. "Trust me, I feel a whole lot better now." He held back a wince when he moved his leg so that Louis could sit down.

"How's the cookie?" Harry asked. Zayn took a bite and gave him thumbs up, savoring the rich taste of melted chocolate and biscuit in his mouth.

"Zayn, guess who's winning the game!" Safaa bragged. Zayn chuckled as he looked at Liam's and hers cards. Liam had completely detached himself from him. Zayn wondered what he'd said to drive him away, but it wasn't surprising considering he said lots of stupid shit when he was tired. Of course, he meant it but sometimes a filter would be good, or he'd start driving away the people he loved.

"Let me guess...Liam?" Zayn teased, in the mood for Liam to at least talk to him.

"No," Safaa said with a raised eyebrow. "You know I meant me. Liam's a complete loser in this game." She shot him an apologetic look. "Sorry, but you are."

Liam chuckled, putting down his cards. "My mind seems to be elsewhere."

"Ha!" Harry exclaimed, pointing at Liam. "Losing at specific games is a common thing, it runs in the band."

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