Ch. 24

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Two weeks later , Harry and Louis were on their way to Plaza Palace , to see the place and decide what dishes and dessert will be served , what decorations they would like and generally what the wedding would look like .

"I'm nervous ." Louis said , "A good nervous , though ."

"Me too . Every passing day now is a step closer to the wedding , and I honestly can't wait for our day ." Harry smiled and placed his hand on Louis' knee , "I started making some deals for our honeymoon , and so far it's going great . I can't wait to tell you ."

"Well then tell me now ."

"Nope , this is a surprise ." Harry chuckled and turned the wheel left , Louis pouted , "I really want to know ."

"And I really want to tell you , but I'll tell you and everyone else on our engagement party next month ." Harry rubbed his thigh , Louis nodded still pouting .

They reached the place , Evelyn was waiting outside with the owner of the place , smiling as Harry pulled up at the entrace .

The two got out of the car and greeted her , she introduced them to Mariana , the owner .

"Let's get started , shall we ?" Mariana asked , the three nodded and walked into the place . Harry intertwined their fingers and pulled him closer , Louis smiled at him and turned his head to look around the place in awe .

"Well , this is the place ." Mariana said , "There are twenty tables , in each table there's twelve seats , which means 240 guests . The dance floor is wide , right there in front of the glass windows ."

She led them through , Harry was already inlove with the place . 

"We'll go out to the Ceremony area shortly ." She said , "We have a few DJs who work here , I'll give you the names later and you'll choose one . For decorations you can have whatever , and we might aswell talk about it now ."

Evelyn pulled a paper out , "Alright , so the theme of the wedding is blue and green , we'd like to have blue and green balloons at every table , the petals at the Ceremony . Blue and white flowers on the tables aswell . Did I miss anything ?" She turned to the boys .

"A priest for the Ceremony , do we need to get one or there already is one ?" Harry asked .

"We have one , I've already talked to him and scheduled the time with him ." Mariana said .

"What about rooms for us to get ready ?" Louis asked , Mariana nodded again , "There are , I'll take you to them later on . Well , shall we move on to the dishes ?"

The three nodded , they sat at one of the tables and were brought different dishes and desserts . They decided they will have a nice buffet for starters , a main dish and three different desserts .

Mariana took them out of the place to the Ceremony area , Louis smiled as they stood on one side of the aisle . He couldn't wait to walk down it with his mum and sisters .

"As you see , there are a lot of seats . Right there , where you two are going to stand , we'll put some flowers and balloons in the theme colours ." Mariana walked them across , "We'll have a white carpet all the way down the aisle , and the flowergirls will throw the petals ."

Louis was tearing up slightly , smiling widely at everything . Harry turned and smiled at him , noticing his reddening cheeks . "Oh lovely ." He cooed , bringing him to his chest .

Tattoos , Flowercrowns And Wedding Vows - Larry Stylinson AU (boyxboy) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now