Jeon Jungkook - Are we gonna be okay?

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(Requested by TiffanyGoh8 )

The date was 21/09/2018 and you never thought you'd be sitting in an office with Jungkook beside you discussing such a hard topic like this.

<Your Pov>
"The divorce papers should be
out in the next 7 days. Please wait patiently. Thank you." Your lawyer explained as you listened attentively. Jungkook sat next to you and seemed very dazed. His eyes were red and puffy from all the tears he'd shed and his hair was messy from all the times he'd run his hands through it. You couldn't say you looked much better. Your eyes matched with Jungkook but you managed to clean yourself up a little more than him. It was difficult. The divorce had hit the both of you hard. But you knew that it was the only thing you could do. The past few weeks had been tough. Endless fights. Arguments. Tears. It had really hit the both of you with sadness and you'd been left in the dark. There was no way out of it. A divorce was your only option unless you wanted to be unhappy for the rest of your life. You'd been so happy before, but now you'd just lost everything. Jungkook lost his job. Which made you lose money. Losing your house and being forced to live in an apartment. Losing your love for Jungkook. Just....losing. You'd lost everything. But the main reason you'd filed a divorce against Jungkook was because of the fact that he'd cheated on you with some other girl. It hurt, but you had to face the reality that Jungkook was not your lover anymore. You could feel Jungkook looking at you but you refused to give in. "What now?" He asked. His voice was deep and broken as though he wanted to break down in tears again. "We'll have to wait it out with each other whilst the divorce papers are being processed." You replied before getting up and walking to your car. Jungkook followed you to the car where he got in the driver's seat to make your way home. Car rides with Jungkook used to be your favourite. You'd always sing along to some old songs on the radio, or you'd just talk about random things whilst going on long drives around the neighbourhood. But now car rides were quiet and were the thing that you feared the most. Being in a confined space with Jungkook was awkward and uncomfortable unlike before when it was fun and happy. You rubbed your hands together as you patiently waited until you got back to your apartment. It didn't take long, but in your mind it felt like forever. You opened the door and headed up to your shared bedroom with Jungkook. He followed behind you so you could both get changed. You both sat on opposite sides of the bed and Jungkook placed his head in his hands as he always did. You stared at the floor and tried to remember the last time you smiled with Jungkook. It was difficult. "A-are we gonna be okay?" Jungkook asked after a while. You turned so that you were facing him. Tears rolled down his face again and you could feel that you were going to cry too. "I don't know." You replied. You couldn't find yourself to make eye contact with Jungkook so you just stared at your hands. "I'm sorry (Y/N)." He said, trying to make eye contact with you, but you resisted. "Saying sorry doesn't fix everything Jungkook." You murmured whilst finally looking up at him. You let your tears run down your cheeks and Jungkook showed the same for him. "I know." Jungkook replied. He wiped his tears away and got up and walked towards his bag in the corner of the room. He knelt down and rummaged through it, before standing up and walking back to you with an envelope in his hand. "I know I can't fix things by saying sorry. But maybe this will define my explanation." Jungkook explained before handing you the envelope and walking out of the room. You were confused, but you opened the envelope to find a letter. You opened it and read what Jungkook had written:

I've just done something really bad. I know things are bound to go downhill at this point and I'm so sorry. But as you've told me many times, sorry doesn't fix everything. It only covers the mistake temporarily. Like snow in the winter that covers the trees, my mistakes and my sorrow won't be at ease. I know I'm an idiot for being like this but let me explain. I didn't intend on cheating on you. Not on purpose. Never would I do that. Ever. I was drunk and out of my mind. I'm sorry. I know it's stupid and I should've been more careful, but things got out of hand and I'm really sorry (Y/N). I'm not expecting you to forgive me, because who would anyway? I'll never forget you (Y/N). I'll never forget your beautiful smile, your adorable laugh or the way your voice sounds when we're going crazy in the car over some tacky song. I'll never forget you (Y/N). I'll keep these memories forever as long as I live. I promise.
- Jungkook

After reading the letter, you cried even more but you knew what you had to do. You left the letter on the bed and went out to go find Jungkook. He was asleep on the couch so you walked round so you were in front of him. "You don't have to promise me anything Jungkook." You whispered whilst stroking his hair. "I just promise I won't leave." You whispered again. A smile rose on Jungkook's face and his eyes opened. "Stay with me?" He asked whilst wiping the tears away from your face. You held his hand and smiled gently. "Always" You replied before lying down next to him.

"I promise."

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