Letter - Kim Taehyung

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[A/N: The following aren't necessarily angsts, but letters from the perspective of the specific member if they had gone through a breakup with you. I will be writing one letter from each member so please be patient >_< Thank you! ^_^]

Taehyung's Letter:

Dear (Y/N),
What happened to us? What happened to the beautiful girl I used to know? I know I've changed, but so have you. There's no point in denying that. We used to have this connection. I'd feel butterflies in my stomach even just by the sound of your name. My heart would skip a beat and the world seemed just a little bit brighter when you were around. But now, it's as though the twinkle in your eyes have faded. Your appearance no longer makes my heart thump excitedly, it makes it hurt in pain. The fact that I've lost someone who I truly loved hurts. It hurts a lot. You used to be the kindest person I'd ever met, until our relationship hit downfall. We went from watching TV cuddled on the couch, to fighting over the remote and sitting in different rooms to watch our desired channels. We fought over the smallest things. I guess that's something I regret not seeing earlier in our relationship. I took it as a small issue when we were together, but didn't have the thought to realise how much it had escalated; which caused us to break apart like this. I figure, we just aren't meant to be. If we were, I'd feel the need to fight for you again. To bring you back to me. But I don't feel anything anymore. I've drowned all my emotions in alcohol and sleep. Trying to forget all the mistakes I've made to hurt you. Yet they still come back to haunt me at night. I'm sorry (Y/N), I can't save our relationship and I think it's best that we just take our separate paths now. Don't make the same mistake as I did and immerse yourself in countless shots and sleepless nights. Don't dwell on the past, as it only makes your road for the future worse. I wish we could restart again and just start a clean slate, but I think it's too late for that now. The connection we once felt has been lost in all our arguments and all the tears. There's nothing anymore. Just an empty space in my heart where my love for you used to be. I can't say that I'll ever find someone to fill that spot, as you were my first love. I thought you'd be my last, but you proved otherwise. Please move on (Y/N). It hurt to see you cry in the past and I don't want to see it again even though we aren't together anymore. I'll keep the memories of us, they'll just be another chapter in this complicated book of life. In which I can only add more and more pages as time goes by, but not re-live the experience of the events in the past. I won't forget you (Y/N). Although you've changed since we were together, I won't forget the old you. The caring, supportive and kind hearted person that I used to know. The one that made me smile just by locking eye contact with me. The one who I once called my lover. My angel. My everything. I wish the best for you in the future (Y/N). That you'll find someone who makes you happier than I did, and actually makes it last for a longtime. I'm truly that sorry I couldn't give any of that love to you. I just wasn't the one.
I'm sorry..

- Taehyung

[Jungkook is next]

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