Chapter 18: I'm Obviously A Girl. But none of you idiots have to know that...

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A problem popped into my head, “Wait. Who’s gonna drive?”

“I will!” Alex said, throwing his hands in the air and grinning wide.

“Somehow, I don’t trust you behind the wheel.” I said flatly, Kale nodding in agreement.

“I’ll drive,” Parker sighed, “I got my license this summer.” He stated proudly.

“Somehow I don’t trust any of you. You’re all so ADD.” I said, totally truthfully.

“Valid point,” Parker said, pondering that for a moment, “But I’m still driving.”

I sighed, realizing there was nothing I could do to change his mind. “So, we’re leaving tomorrow?” I clarified.

“Yeah,” Parker said, almost jumping out of his chair, “I’ll make reservations at the ski lodge tonight. We can stay ‘till the 26th, I guess.”

“Okay, then. Everyone should pack the second they get back to their dorms, though.” Kale said strictly, looking directly at Alex.

“Fine, mother.” Alex rolled his eyes, sighing.

“Alright,” Parker said, “So it’s settled. We leave at the crack of dawn.” He said, smirking.

We all nodded in unison, and Mr. Ferguson started the class.


“I think we should sing Christmas carols. Two, three, four—”

“If you want to keep your life, you won’t do that.”

“You’re so mean, Alex!” Aaron pouted, putting his last bag in the trunk.

Alex shrugged and buttoned up his coat, “It’s how I am.” He said, shuffling into the car, getting in on the right side.

“Yeah,” Kale said, leaning against the car, “Alex can’t help it if he’s naturally a douche bag.” I sighed, trying to ignore their incessant bickering.

Aaron and Drake were behind me, trying to figure out who’s get in first, and ended up pushing me in, shoving me against Alex. He looked at me smugly and my back pressed against his side of the car, “Hello, there.” He said slyly, giving me a Cheshire Cat-like smile.

I grimaced, “Creep.”

“Woops! Sorry!” Drake said embarrassed, seeing me pushed up against the wall, pulling me back to the center as he sat in the seat next to me. Aaron sighed and climbed over us, jumping over our seats and into the ones facing the back of the road, where he was alone.

“Thanks a lot, Drake!” Aaron grumbled, buckling in his seat, “I’m going to die back here, all alone.”

Drake shrugged nonchalantly, “If it happens, it happens.”

Kale filed into the passengers seat and frowned, “Why does Alex get to sit next to Sam?”

“Why do you care?” Alex said, wiggling his eyebrows, “What, McCann? Are my theories about you being gay actually true? Oh joyous day!—”

“No!” Kale objected, his face florid. “I just like Sam, and I hate you so much ‘s all.” He said causally.

“Aw,” Alex said, with mock affection, putting a hand to his heart, “I feel the same way.”

“Alright,” Parker said, breaking up the thousandth fight and getting into his spot in the drivers seat. “Is everybody ready?” He said, grinning.

“Yes,” We answered in unison.

“Got everything you need?”


“Are you sure?” He slurred, raising a brow.


“Okay, well, does anyone have to pee?”


“Sweet,” Parker said, grinning ear to ear, “Alright, then!” He said, buckling himself up and facing the road. He started up the engine, and slammed his foot on the break, screaming, “Onward and upward!”

“Infinity and beyond!” Everyone shouted in unison, punching a fist in the air dramatically, as we skid across the icy roads.

I laughed at the childishness of it all, and sighed realizing this was going to be a long couple of days.

I'm Obviously A Girl. But none of you idiots have to know that...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum