Chapter 10: I'm Obviously A Girl. But none of you idiots have to know that...

Start from the beginning

Parker, Drake and Aaron all exchanged a nervous look, but Parker turned back to me, a weak smile on his lips, “Fine. I suppose we’ll see you tomorrow.”

I beamed, “Good.” I said, waving goodbye to them, already running off, “I’ll call you guys later!” I shouted.

Over the sound of the snow crunching under my feet, I could hear Aaron say, “I think that was a bad idea.”


“Hey, Alex!” I screamed, cupping my hands over my mouth to amplify my screams, “Alex! Get out here! I’ll find you eventually!”

No response.

“C’mon, Alex! Just come out!”


“I’ve been searching for hours! I think I’ve gotten frost bite on my toes!”


“If I loose the use of my toes, it’s on your conscious!”

I’d been searching for another hour, and it was now one o’clock in the morning. The snow had stopped falling from the sky, and was now at at least two feet on the ground, freezing everything from my knees down.


I would have cried, but I was afraid my tears would freeze. Still, I couldn’t help it. I felt the hot tears fall down my cheeks and sting my eyes. My lip quivered and my whole body was frozen. My nose was stuffy, my eyes were red and stinging, but I didn’t want to give up.

“Please, come on!” I shouted, choking on my own tears. I’d searched everywhere, but he was no where to be found.

I sighed, my whole body numb, my throat hoarse and sore from screaming, and my body tired and worn out from searching, I felt my endurance running low. Where else was I supposed to search? Even if I were to search more, I doubt I’d have the energy to get back to the campus. This was a terrible idea. Parker, Aaron and Drake were right. I should have gone back. Alex was probably back at the dorm, safe and sound, where he always ended up. That was it.

I was heading home.

I sucked in my gut and stopped crying, wiping my tears away. I kept on walking, heading for the bus stop. But something caught my eye. In the distance, I saw an old memorial park. But there was something, or someone, passed out by a huge oak tree. I gasped, as I realized what it was.

“Alex!” I screamed, the tears rushing back. With every ounce of determination in my body, I pumped my feet and ran as fast as I could towards the park. Was he hurt? Was he okay? All I could think about was that I’d found him! That if I’d gone back, he could have frozen to death! I pushed all those morbid thoughts out of my head as I approached the huge oak, my heart going a mile a minute. I finally got to the tree, when I realized something.

I'm Obviously A Girl. But none of you idiots have to know that...Where stories live. Discover now